Wednesday, January 28, 2015

MATH by carl V.


Fractions and decimals are units in math that we learn?

FRACTION: A numerical quantity that is not a whole number.

To change a fraction into a % is you convert it to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.
Another way to write a fraction into a % is to divide it's numerator by it's denominator then convert the resulting decimal to a percent.

To change a fraction into a decimal is you divide numerator  by denominator then multiply by 100 then you shall get you answer.

DECIMAL: A fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed by figures placed to the right of a decimal point.

To change a decimal into a % is you multiply the decimal by 100.
To change a decimal into a fraction is if there is two numbers out of a decimal point use 100, if it's 3 then use 1000.(then simplify (or reduce) the fraction.

Friday, January 23, 2015

                                             War Horse

The book I am reading is War Horse. This book is about a horse that that goes through a journey. When the horse was born a little boy in the farm said to the horse" I will take care of you for ever." Few years later the boy is playing with the horse, but then the dad says " if you don't put this horse to work ill sell it." . They manage to do all the work and keep the Horse. Years later the dad sells the horse to a general who needs a horse. The boy says he wants to join the army, but he is one year younger. Then he says to the horse"ill be back." The horse is trained and is the best horse in the military. The horse meets a horse just like him. They then go into war and as the run into the field all the horses die but the two. Then they all get captured. later on they now work for the Nazis. They both have to carry a heavy wagon for months straight and come back and rest. As they bring a cart a little girl named Emily always would follow them. Later on Emily gets pneumonia and can't visit the horse anymore. Later on she manages to recover.  The horse that was with him in the journey died from illness. As the war was ending a Polish soldier comes in and looks at the horse and realizes that that was his horse. But the horse gets stuck in an auction. The three biders where: a butcher , Emily's grandfather and the real owner. The winner of the auction was Emily's grandfather. As the the horse was taken to the owner the boy said his last farewell. Then the horse is now with Emily.



    In ICT we are doing a recycling project. The project has 3 parts. Part 1: 8 questions.In this part we must answer 8 questions that well help us have info we may need for part 2 or 3. Part 2: Poster competition. In this part we must create a regular sized poster about recycling. It should be educational,pretty,and entertaining. Part 3: Video. We must create an educational and  informative video. I personally think it should be fun .










Energy Blog-Science                                                                       By: Emily Lee

Today I'm going to talk about what we are learning about in science. We are learning about energy. We have learned about kinetic energy and potential energy. We learned that temperature is the average kinetic energy and that heat is the total kinetic energy.Potential energy is the energy of the position of the particles in a substance. 

We are also talking about temperature, which has to do with energy. We learned that the normal body temperature is 37 Degrees Celsius, comfortable room temperature is 22-25 Degrees Celsius, and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius and the freezing point in 0 degrees Celsius.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blog Post-ICT

Blog Post-ICT
          Hi everyone! Today, I’m going to be talking about what we’re learning in ICT. We just finished all the work sheets in ICT for word. Ms. Teetaert started to talk about how we are going to do this Green Project about how we can recycle. We started doing the worksheet where we find information about We started this worksheet. The website tells us about the GreenManitoba, it tells us what things we can recycle, where we can go to recycle special items, and more! We need to make a video project, which has never been done with 7th graders.

We’re also doing a Part 2 and a Part 3. I believe Part 2 is us doing a poster about recycling. If we get chosen, someone hangs it around the school. For part 3, we're doing a video. The video has to be about recycling. We have to record it and then do all the editing at school.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


In art class, we are learning how to write blackletters. To write it, you would need a calligraphy pen. Blackletter was a script that was used from around the 1150's to the 17th century. Blackletter was used for the German language until the 20th century. Blackletter is also known as Gothic script, Gothic minuscule, or Textura. 
Last art class, we had to do the alphabet in blackletter on a piece of looseleaf. Once we had finished the alphabet, we had to do a quote. Blackletter can be written big or small, depending on the size of the tip of your calligraphy pen.

Thank you for listening to my presentation!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

     In science we are learning about thermometers. The most common liquid used in thermometers are mercury and alcohol. The most common used thermometers are; liquid-in-glass thermometers, gas thermometers and metal thermometers. The most common out of these three is the liquid-in-glass thermometer. There are four parts to the thermometer they are: the bulb which is the bottom of the thermometer, the stem which is the outer part of glass that is surrounding the bore and there is a scale which are the lines on the thermometer which tell you the temperature of the substance you want to know the temperature of. This has to do with expansion and contraction. 


When you are taking the temperature of  a substance if its temperature is high the particles in the liquid expand and they have no where to go, but up. This is how you figure out the substances temperature because the liquid will eventually stop moving and you will be able to see the temperature of the substance on the scale.  The same goes for when a substance is cool. The liquid contracts and goes down the thermometer instead of up.

By: Alycia

Monday, January 12, 2015


In French we are learning Christmas vocabulary. We're learning things like Santa Claus, candy cane, reindeer, stocking, presents, Christmas tree, bells, decorations, and many more words. We learned how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Along with the Christmas vocabulary, we learned words such as above, underneath, in, in front of, behind, and beside so that we could describe where the objects were. We learned the name of the supper that is eaten after Midnight Mass around the time when people are waking up.

We had a test on the vocabulary on Friday. We had to match the pictues to the French word. There were also five sentances that were written in French that we were required to draw. The sentances contained the Christmas words as well as the words that describe where they are.

                                                            Social Studies
In Social Studies, we have learned about the industries. There are three main industries; they are called the primary industry, secondary industry, and tertiary industry.

Primary Industry: the primary industry is resource-based. Primary industry extracts natural resources from the environment and turns them into semi-finished products. Primary industry is the first step in making the goods we need and use. Some examples are fishing, mining, logging, and farming.

Secondary Industry: the secondary industry is manufacturing-based. Secondary industry takes semi-finished products from the primary industry and turns them into finished products. Some examples are furniture making, house construction, factories, etc.

Tertiary Industry: the tertiary industry is service-based. The tertiary industry does not produce goods. Tertiary industry provides personal and business service to consumers. Some examples are a cashier, clerk, waitress.   .

Blog Post

For my topic I chose Gym, in gym class we are doing low organized games.The first game we did was  Mission Impossible.The rules of the game are that you can't hit above the waist or head.The game is played with no teams,The game is everyone vs. everyone. Once you are hit you wait for the person that hit you to get out , then you can go back in, to win this game you have to be the last man standing.The second game we did was doctor dodge ball.The game is played with 2 teams (East and West)and two doctors on each team.You can protect the doctor but in any of the dodge ball games you are not allowed to block with a ball.If you hit the doctor,the doctor can play as a regular player.The doctors job is to save a player that has been hit. If the doctor is a regular player you can not be saved.The winning team is the team that has players left and the other team doesn't.

Another game we played was kings court and Yoshi's island.Yoshi's island is played with 2 teams and 2 mats. When someone on the other team is hit they go to your mat.Then the people on  that person's team will through a dodge ball so  that person can catch it and come back and play, the winning team is the team that has the other team on there mat.The next game is king's court, The game is played with 2 teams (east and west). When someone on the east team gets hit they go to the west side and try to hit a person on the west side to go back to the east side and play.But, you have to stay behind the double white lines and try to catch a ball. The winning team is the team that  has the other team on there mat.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Math~ Bisectors and Area

By: Hayley Lecuyer 7B

  In Math, we are learning about all different types bisectors and types of line segments.(Ex. perpendicular bisectors and parallel lines.) A perpendicular bisector is a line that intersects at a right angle.(90 degrees) Parallel lines are line segments in the same plane that never cross or intersect.

We are also learning about area. Area is base times height (Ex. area= bxh, area=9x7, area=63units squared.) We also learnt how to find the area of a triangle, the formula is base times height divided by 2. We have been doing lots of practice pages in our textbook to help us learn how to do area fluently.

  We are now finished with this unit, we had our test on January 7th, 2014. I'm looking forward to our next unit in math.

Thank you,