Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Math~ Bisectors and Area

By: Hayley Lecuyer 7B

  In Math, we are learning about all different types bisectors and types of line segments.(Ex. perpendicular bisectors and parallel lines.) A perpendicular bisector is a line that intersects at a right angle.(90 degrees) Parallel lines are line segments in the same plane that never cross or intersect.

We are also learning about area. Area is base times height (Ex. area= bxh, area=9x7, area=63units squared.) We also learnt how to find the area of a triangle, the formula is base times height divided by 2. We have been doing lots of practice pages in our textbook to help us learn how to do area fluently.

  We are now finished with this unit, we had our test on January 7th, 2014. I'm looking forward to our next unit in math.

Thank you,

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