Friday, January 23, 2015

                                             War Horse

The book I am reading is War Horse. This book is about a horse that that goes through a journey. When the horse was born a little boy in the farm said to the horse" I will take care of you for ever." Few years later the boy is playing with the horse, but then the dad says " if you don't put this horse to work ill sell it." . They manage to do all the work and keep the Horse. Years later the dad sells the horse to a general who needs a horse. The boy says he wants to join the army, but he is one year younger. Then he says to the horse"ill be back." The horse is trained and is the best horse in the military. The horse meets a horse just like him. They then go into war and as the run into the field all the horses die but the two. Then they all get captured. later on they now work for the Nazis. They both have to carry a heavy wagon for months straight and come back and rest. As they bring a cart a little girl named Emily always would follow them. Later on Emily gets pneumonia and can't visit the horse anymore. Later on she manages to recover.  The horse that was with him in the journey died from illness. As the war was ending a Polish soldier comes in and looks at the horse and realizes that that was his horse. But the horse gets stuck in an auction. The three biders where: a butcher , Emily's grandfather and the real owner. The winner of the auction was Emily's grandfather. As the the horse was taken to the owner the boy said his last farewell. Then the horse is now with Emily.

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