Monday, December 15, 2014


Good morning/afternoon everyone. Today I will be talking about gym. In gym we are learning about cricket, and instead of Mrs. Langstaff, we have Mr.----- for gym until the last class before Christmas break. In cricket, we learned that it isn't a rip off of baseball, because it has many different things. We learnt how do throw the ball with a straight elbow, and how to hold the bat. There are 4 different positions that we know.(probably all of them) There is the bowling, fielder, batter, and wicket keeper.The bowler is the person who throws the ball at the wicket. The fielder is the person who catches the ball to give to the wicket keeper. The wicket keeper is the person who stands behind the wicket, and has to touch the wicket with a ball to get the batter running out. And the batter is the person who hits the ball with the bat, and runs to next base if  they can. Thank you for listening(if you were) and have a great day.

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