Thursday, December 4, 2014

St. Maurice Band Gearing Up to Give A Concert!

Hi Everybody!

The subject I'm reporting on is band.  Things have been going great in band and Mrs. Kurchenko is working with us and really helping us learn to play our notes.  I am really enjoying learning to play my trumpet and as it turns out, it really has not been as difficult as I thought it might be!  There are a few updates and achievements in band that I am happy to report in this posting.  They are:

(1)  we have finished learning our 100th song!  

(2)  on December 10th, we will be performing a concert for the St. Maurice grade 4, 5, and 6   classes! 

This will be the first concert I've ever performed in playing a musical instrument!  I am really looking forward to it and being able to hear how we all sound when we are playing the songs together!

I'll let you know how things go!  Until then..........

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and all the very best in the New Year!


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