Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What we are learning in Social Studies

                 In social studies, we just finished learning about human development. The United Kingdom is the country that makes a "report card" for each country the wants one. The name of this report card is HDI, this stands for "Human Development Index." The HDI is composed of three main categories, the first category is health, health means how many doctors your country has, or the life expectancy for that country. The second category is wealth, this is the minimum wage of the country, or how much you earn in a year. The third category is education, this means how long you should expect to go in school, or the adult literacy rate.
               In this unit, we also learned about moving from a rural area to an urban area. There are 5 main ways for this to happen, natural disasters, small farms, violent conflicts, job opportunities, & high fertility rates. We also learned about push factors- are things that encourage you to leave a place, so like bad living conditions, and pull factors- things that pull you to a place, so for example, a better quality of life. We also learned about time zones, we learned that each time zone is 15° wide. After the unit test, we started learning about human development. Personally, I don't know about u guys, but I really like learning about this stuff. We had a great start for Gr.7 and I'm looking forward to the rest of Gr. 7 with you all.

Time Zones

Thank You :D 0_o o_0 :D

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