Wednesday, October 22, 2014

julianne's grade 7 goals


My first goal is to get good grades. I can achieve these goals by studying a lot and doing my homework all the time. I can also get good grades by listening in class and doing really good on my tests. I can achieve my goals by doing well on all of my projects. I want to get good grades because I want to pass grade 7 and I do not want to fail.

My second goal is to read a lot more. I can achieve these goals by reading before bed, on the way to school, on the way home from school, and in my free time.  I want to achieve this goal because I don’t read very much, but I want to change that!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

MAH BLOOG 2014-2015 :D by: a guy

my goals this year.......................... :P

 One of my goals this year is to get on the honor role (not the gold honor role). Even though this is pretty much almost everyone's goal, i'm still doing it. My best subject this year so far is social studies, but kinda ironic because that was my only subject i got zeros on. Also it might be hard to get there because you have to get 80s or higher, and I don't exactly get 80s but ill try.

 Another goal I have is to go to U or M for long jump, high jump, running, or anything else. I went to to the U of M many of times, except i've never actually won a medal. It's really hard to get one, because there is like over a billion kids there too, so you have to do really good, so this year, i'm a try to get at least a bronze.

Ken Jimeno's Goal

                                        MY GOAL                                                       

My goal is to be in the honor roll. I want to be in the honor roll so that I can make my parents proud. I might not be in the honor roll, but I will try. Trying has a better chance of being in the honor roll than to not try. I can reach my goal by studying and doing my homework in time, and having good marks on my assignments, tests and quizzes.
My second goal is to get at least 75% or higher on my fitness test for physical education (P.E). I could reach my goal by getting better at running, jumping, sports, and doing chin ups over the year. I want to get at least 75% because I thought it was hard at the beginning. I should focus on increasing my stamina for the beep test so i can reach the expectation.