Thursday, October 16, 2014

Perry's Goals for the year                                                                                                   Oct.7


My first academic goal for this year is to make the gold honor role. I will make gold honor role by studying and handing homework in on time. I think I need to work harder in ELA and to review the work daily so that I can be able to get good marks for the pop quizzes that we will get. I really hope that I will be able to make gold honor roll and to do good for all the years I still have left.

My second goal is to be able to play in the sports that the school provided for the school. I want to play badminton most of all in the sports that I picked. I already played badminton for 9 years. One sport that I haven't played for a while is basketball, I'm planning to try basketball this year and also play volleyball. I really hope this will be a fun year and an exciting year with more opportunities. 

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