Thursday, October 16, 2014

Miguel 7B

             One of my goals is to get 80% on all my subjects.The one subject i may struggle on is math.My strongest subject would be science or E.L.A.If i can manage to get 80%  my parents would be proud of me.We made a bet if i can get  achieve that goal! I am 85% sure I can achieve my goal. And so far my marks are doing well so far. I've been doing good on all my test. On all my test I've got 80% or higher.To do this I will need to put effort in all my subjects and hand them in on the due date.

My second goal is to complete my christian service hours.For me this well be a very easy goal to achieve because  I alter serve every Sunday morning.So far i have 6 hours done. My goal is to go for 30 hours in christian service hours done. I practice my Faith by going to Church once a week. I know I can achieve this goal because its me!

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